The Women’s Resource Network of Mechanics Bank is proud to support Spread the Word Nevada
a month-long “Virtual Book Drive” from September 1st – September 29th!

Be inspired. Get empowered! The Women’s Resource Network seeks to make a difference for Mechanics Bank by aligning with the Bank’s mission, vision and values through creating a supportive environment that focus on issues affecting women, such as career progression, raising visibility and influence, development of leadership skills, and work-life pressure. Join us online as we raise funds to help change the lives of at-risk children in Nevada, one book at a time. A few of our all-time favorite books are Babysitters Club, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe and Ramona the Pest! 

Spread the Word Nevada is the state’s largest children’s literacy nonprofit and has distributed more than 7.1 million free books to children in need since its inception in 2001. We are thrilled to help propel this important cause forward and get books into the hands and homes of our community’s at-risk children.

We hope you’ll help us rally together to help reach our goal of raising $500!